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Snowy Days


This is the day that the Lord has made! The vegetable garden and flower beds are covered in snow. The chickens are hovering together in their warm little coop, and the groundhog family who calls the soil beneath our outbuilding home, is snuggled safely in a nest they've worked all summer to prepare.

It is time to rethink my daily activities. I no longer need to weed the flower garden, pick the veggies to preserve or tidy the deck for entertaining. No, I need to repurpose my time for indoor activities. I suppose I should dust, mop and vacuum, although I was once given the advice to only entertain after the sun sets and closes its eyes to dust bunnies and cobwebs! Hurray for candle lights!

Working inside is just as rewarding to me as my time spent in the garden. I love creating at my dining room table. It is the perfect place to sew, craft, and write. The dining table sits in front of a massive bay window that encourages sunlight to flow into my home. The window frames a picturesque catalpa tree that makes me feel as though I am crafting high up in a treehouse studio. I love to surround myself with things I love!

Twelve foot ceilings generate such a nice echo for my favorite music to play while I work…and to many people’s dismay, I start playing Christmas music the first day of November! Thank God for that one lone radio station that has my best interest in mind!

It is a perfect day to start Christmas-ing! Fa –la-la-la-la


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